Normally, DMPulse would be well into our once-a-year On-Air Fundraising campaign. This year is different.
Three months ago, I was diagnosed with colon cancer and had surgery to remove a tumor in mid-September. My prognosis is good going forward but I am receiving chemotherapy treatments to give me the best chance to stay cancer-free long term. Last week, I was hospitalized for three nights due to complications related to cancer and my treatment. I'm thankful to be home and doing well now, with better days ahead.
It has been a very difficult season for my family and me, but through it all, I am proud to have kept DMPulse operating and continuing to deliver great new music each day. In fact, continuing to discover and share great new music with you continues to give me a sense of normalcy.
Fundraising this year will need to be different, as balancing my full-time job, family life, and chemotherapy means I will not be able to do a typical DMPulse year-end fundraising campaign. We still need to reach our $5,000 yearly fundraising goal, but I have terrific news to announce!
Several long-time DMPulse listeners have banded together to raise 70% of our fundraising goal in a short time, greatly lightening the load and getting us very near the finish line! I am incredibly thankful for all those who have come together in this effort.
Here's where you can make a difference in the future of DMPulse, too:
Looking back on the last few months, many aspects of my day-to-day life are different and beyond my control, but my commitment to DMPulse remains. There are terrific new artists and songs to discover together in 2024, and I look forward to sharing amazing music with you in the new year. Thank you for supporting this endeavor and giving me support during this season of life. The station means more to me now than it even did before!
Jay Boeding
P.S. Get your colonoscopy! It's the reason better days are ahead for me!